lunes, 18 de mayo de 2020

It’s time you put in casting mode

At least in Peru, the Covid-19 infection is going to change muchly the culture about healthy lifestyles, and possibly to be the better. One of the measures the government has taken is body mass index (BMI) people equal or upper 40 may not work in person when the economy to reactivate because they are one of the most vulnerable human groups to the contagion.

The medical reason is simple: the virus leaves the lungsockets useless, the little bags  we have where oxygen feeds the blood allowing the functions of our body to work normally. When that vital gas scarces –a condition known hypoxia—our cells begin to weaken and even die, then they unchain oother health conditions which can shorten our life.

The diabetes and the cardio-vascular diseases also have to do much with obesity. Initially, the Peruvian government fit to the suggestion of World Health Organization about BMI people equal or upper 30, at the moment, were not abled to presential work, but a popular claim moved the mark up to 10 points.

Could your country or your boss take the same decisions? If we think it on the perspective of laboral risk, it’s a chance. Claiming could be a choice but i’ts the easiest choice. The alternative could be you don’t wait for the idea to turn a rule and take control of your own health. But many guys begin enthusiastic in the beginning and lose the motivation step by step.

Here is when our brain has to work to re-program first. Yes, we can. And although we are not endorsing you to take an image as a mirror, the current sanitarian situation does demand us to look for very inspiring references, and after much exploring, we find with the expectant attitude the models have. Yes, the guys you see looking like on the magazines, the posters, or the TV. They are ever ready for the next work, so all their effort is focused on the next casting.

Perhaps this same attitude is what you should adoptbut not falling into paranoiaor increasing your anxiety neither, so here we have a full recipe possibly useful for you very much. Easier, impossible.

Keep your body in shape
When a model has a casting, the first they are going to see is the physique, and that only is gotten with physical exercise, healthy feeding, enough and fixing rest. Remember you have to dedicate at least half-an-hour to work-out your physique, your feeding must cover all your energy need in the right balance, and your whole resting time really recharges in terms of alert and mood.

Then, you have to organize your lifefor accomplish each one of your activities and you must set real, verifiable goalsthose allow to control if you triumph or happens the whole opposite. Doubts? Contact a physical trainer now.

Focus your mind
When a model goes casting, knows pretty well the body is not enough. What the directors are going to evaluate is also how much concentration the model is going to performin the activity he or she is required for. If your body is here but your mind is away, things are not going to work well and that’s easy to notice, especially in crisis time.

Address all your attention to the actual moment, make aware of everything you do or say (even not mentioning any word), follow up the sequence of any activity since its beginning until its end, and pass to the next one when the last one was fulfilled, breathe deeply and think of yourself to ease projecting outside. The meditation is an excellent exercise and we know somebody who can help you.

Perfectionate your talent
We already have a good-shape body, we already have a focused mind. But, what do you know to do? It’s probable what you know to do, other many people can do the same way. Then, your personal task must be improving it to highlight. In that sense, more than compete against the other people, you should compete against yourself, against you used to be. As they say, making yourself a better version of yourself everytime.

And what about if they don’t choose you? This is the major probability a model has clear, then the first he or she learns is overcoming the mistake and reinvent for facing the next challenge, never giving up, following to fight until get it – to be resilient.

Using the social media to show the wworld how much preparation you have got in what you do the best? Yes, of course! Now than ever before, it’s an excellent decision but do it intelligently, strategically, not trying to be like anyone else but differentiating to be better than anyone else. If you need advise, we have somebody who can help you. And remember never to lose the faith in you.

As you will see, to be in casting mode is not only a mind state, the body and the spirit also have to do. It’s not complicated as much as you don’t see it complicated. It neither is a super piece of cake but it demans certain effort. What is actually clear – you can’t lose more time and you have to start right now, so when they call at you, the probability they say “begin to work today” to be very high.

Of course, we will be pleased to know your achievements or doubts on our Twitter account or our e-mail address:

Thanks Carlos Maceda ffor giving us his photos to picturing this entry.

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