miércoles, 27 de abril de 2016

Functional Training

An alternative to gain stamina, power and all their benefits.

By ChulucanasGym. Video by Alonso Mejía.

It’s common many people use weekends to practice sports, but what wonders in Chulucanas, Peru, is a specific group of men and women who don’t do one in particularexcept a special kind of fitness.
They workout specific parts of their bodies replying exercises or movements those could be done by apparels, barbells, or by using the body’s weight itself, so they can response before the same stimulation while their conventional training, or just adding agility to their daily lives.

As a result, they are developing potence and resistance at the same time – they practice functional training.
The discipline is just going into Piura, and the peculiar in Chulucanas is practicing it outdoors around or inside the city. “We had to go up the city watch hillas part of the routine, just once,” one of our producers tells.
In terms of sports, functional training is ideal to someones usually practicing other sports, especially those demanding much resistance like soccer or athletism, because of this advantage to customize routines at maximum and the using of your own body weight (mainly in beginner period), under the command of avoiding hurts.

Of course this technique isn’t new, as we think, because it had been already promoted by infamous Charles atlas through isometric exercises. What this mythical sportsman didn’t add is using weights, bars, and control of specific times for executing and resting.

As you go gaining time and skill, complexity and exigency of movements as well as using of accesories will be increasing. But in every moment this type of training looks for being flexible requirements of someones who practice it, not meaning they’ll become lazy.
According to Chulucanas group’s monitor Alonso Mejía, people report him much tone, stiffless, better breathing. “My muscles are firmer than before,” he assures.

Another functional training’s promise is a better blood circulation, but it could be proven after a cardiology checking. However, it’s suggested that before beginning it, you pass a medical checking to discard any background condition.
Despite, there isn’t a forbbiden age for functional training, almost. It’s recommended for children and older adults as well. The trick is giving each one the right exigency level.

Is it crossfit?
It has not be confused to crossfit or crossing fitness. We mean it must not be offered functional training like crossfit because it has own rules and a very strict licensing systemunder supervision of trademark owners .
The surely true one is that a great part of crossfit  is based on functional training, with differences in dificulty degree and the fact of it looks to superate very defined challenges, the most of times for competition scores. This means customized routines, discipline and precision are greater.
Actually in the U.S., corps of police, firefighters, marines, and top performance athletes are who mainly practice it. The idea should be haven in Peru, considering the public claim about our corps of police and soldiers seem to be  fitless.

Plus, using of accessories in crossfit is much more frequent than functional training, so using them is optional but recommended.
“Crossfit programs are almost mandatory in execution, in functional training, they are more adaptable and open, for instance,”  a trainer explains us.
What specialists suggest in both disciplines is a reduced group of people practicing. If it’s about customizing routines, numerous groups will do impossible the supervision and hurts risk is high.

Finally, some publishings suggest these requirements to practice them: consciousness and knowledge of own limits, reduced groups with expert proffessionals in charge of routines, customized training, intensity increase depending on skill gotten from movements and based on results, enough and adequate previous warming up, excellent technique in exercises, previous adaptation, discipline, correct hydratation, and previous medical controls to set up training to the own body.

Tell us your goals on our Twitter account.

Post-Produced by Sheyla Benavente.

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