miércoles, 4 de abril de 2018

Lo mejor del verano 2018

Queremos tomarnos este espacio para agradecerte por la preferencia a los contenidos que te distribuímos en nuestra cuenta de Twitter. De hecho, éstos son los que más has preferido.

Practica yoga
Es uno de nuestros contenidos más populares; y, aunque no ahondamos mucho, te da un pie inicial para incorporar esta interesante disciplina. Prometemos producir más contenidos al respecto.

Otras historias que te interesaron fueron:
Despliega al aire libre lo que conseguiste en el gimnasio
Nuestros 11 consejos si eres un fisicoculturista, atleta o deportista buscando auspicio.

En cuanto a públicos específicos, éstos son los países y contenidos que mejor interactuaron en nuestra red social.

Cómo James Lenger combinó exitosamente la música y el pentatlón.

Por qué practicar yoga.

Los 5 pasos para que calientes correctamente.

Estados Unidos:
Consejos básicos para tu primer día en el gimnasio.

Y, como siempre, esperamos estar en contacto contigo y conocer tu historia. ¡Imagina inspirar al mundo con ella! Ubícanos en nuestra cuenta de Twitter, envíanos un correo a chulucanasgym@gmail.com, o déjanos un mensaje aquí abajo.

The Best Of Winter 2018

We want to take this space for thanking you because of your preference to all our features. In fact, those ones were the favorite for you on our Twitter account:

The influence of genetics
This article pays attention into your family history and how it determines your progress capability when working out bodybuilding, fitness or any sport as well.

Beware about what you eat
Many times, the guys get focused on the physical routine, but they dismiss the importance of a healthy feeding and how it balances everything. And this is the subject point by our contributing writer and bodybuilder Ronald Benites.

Yeah, the yoga
This is a classic one of ours. Although the information is very litle -we recognize-, it's a good introduction for this discipline about we promise to produce more stories.

Another top features you like and share were:
How the muay thai changed the life of Piura-based athlete Daniel Garro.
3 projects for recycling the plastic and give a better look to your living-room.

In terms of specific audiences, those are the countries and contents those worked better during the last season:

United Kingdom:
The 5 lessons you have to consider when entering in a bodybuilding or fitness contest.
The story of Sullana-based bodybuilder Kevin Cano.
The importance of a healthy feeding.

The functional training.
The muay thai and Daniel Garro.

Why to practice yoga.

United States:
why to practice yoga, again (a top story, actually)
The muay thai and Daniel Garro, again.
Recycling plastic through 3 projects for your living-room.
The importance of a healthy feeding, again.

5 steps for a right warm-up

Remember we want to know about you and your story. It could be highlighted here. Imagine inspiring the world! Do it! Follow our Twitter account or write us down at chulucanasgym@gmail.com or drop us a message right under here.