sábado, 30 de marzo de 2024

Guillermo Checa – a muscled activist

One of his favorite places to work out is at the mountains. (All photographs provided by Guillermo Checa)


Passion, knowledge, clear plans.  But an excellent physical condition too. Many activists think it’s only necessary to know speaking well and creating. That’s important. But, where they do think they can get the whole vitality that job requires from?


Guillermo Checa commits a good part of his free time to forest every empty lot in Piura City, Peru.  “The job of planting is heavy, it requires much physical effort,” he affirms. That’s why he also commits part of his time to build muscle.

“When I go out to plant, I have to work with a shovel, to move sand, to carry up big bags, and ddealing with the Sun too.” That’s when building muscle helps him to have power, flexibility, and  a better response to the so hard weather conditions like Piura, where the highs can rise until 100ºF temperature.


Checa leads a volunteers team called Ksembrando Vidas. As its name in Spanish says it, its job is the forestation and the reforestation by using native species of Piura Department.


Also, Guillermo is an avid reader, an art-pieces collector, and he’s considered as one of the new leaders of his community. He thinks this is just the beginning of his public life. Oh, he also has time to work as a model, like we see in those photographs.


Support Sembrando Vidas | Contact Guillermo Checa | Follow us on X | chulucanasgym@gmail.com


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