viernes, 20 de mayo de 2022

Dive, then save lives

A swimming school and some female volunteers have joined in Piura City, Peru, for raising funds against cancer. They’re Berenson Academy and the Association of Ladies Supporting the Patient with Cancer.

The idea is gathering much money as possible to help patients with cancer but without resources. Also, it looks for educating on prevention of this disease, and sports are one of the most effective, cheapest methods to achieve it.

The procedure is simple – every 100 meters or 330 feet you swim, you have to donate 10 soles (about US$ 2.70). If you don’t know to swim, the promoters look for a swimmer who represents you for swimming the equivalent distance to your donation. The participation can be individual or in group.

The activity began in 2019 but it had to pause because of Covid-19 pandemic. 300 people in Piura, Chiclayo, and Trujillo swam that year, covering about 200 km or 150 miles in total. For 2022, the activity was called for May 28th from 10:00 in the morning to 7:00 at night.

Peru’s National Institute of Neoplastic Diseases detected about 17,000 new cases of cancer across that nation in 2021. Only in piura Department, Regional Direction of Health counted 2930 new cases of cancer in 2019.

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