lunes, 14 de agosto de 2023

My Profile – Ronny Rondón

My change began that afternoon when I saw myself in the mirror across the shower.


I’m Ronny José Rondón Acosta, a fitness trainer, son of Juan José Rondón Tovar and Nely Josefina Acosta Vallejo. I was born in Cumaná, Venezuela, in 1989.


The big change I made into my life happened at 18 years old, but before, I want you think on this quote by the Classic Greek philosopher Socrates (470 BC to 399 BC(: “a life without exam is not worthy to be lived.” Join me up next to understand how it applied me.


In 2007, I graduated as Sciences Bachelor from José Castro Machado Lyceum, and I didn’t only bring good scores since my childhood – the overweight came me disturbing the life constantly. In fact, I was one of these three Venezuelans over or above a healthy weight. I’m 5’6 feet, I was 212 lbs. To make you an idea, I only wore 12-size pants and my shirts had to be XL-size.


According to Mayo Clinic, “the obesity is a complex disease that consists in having  an excessive body fat amount.” It adds it’s not only about an aesthetic issue. In the other hand, the overweight second voice for Oxford Dictionary is simply “The weight excess of a person or an animal.”  It was not so simple for me.


When you have obesity, your body image often is negative or distorted compared to the reality. You feel bad, you suffer, and you even feel the society rejects you. In this point, it’s convenient we work on and re-adapt to release that insatisfaction on our body, but let’s continue with my experience.


I grew up at my mother-grandparents’ house. Once upon an afternoon, I entered the bathroom just before getting to the yard. I saw my body in the mirror while I took a shower. Right there, inside that room, I sweared myself I’d never be fat again.


I decided to enter a gymnasium that same day. I got one of the best fitness female trainers who was encouraging me to work out and having the body I get now, that I look like proud. Today, I wear M-8-size shirts due to I have got a wide back, and my pants are  8-size.


As I said in the beginning, I’m a fitness trainer. Today, I have female pupils who started like me, with obesity. Time later, they look like gorgeous.


When I look back, and specifically that afternoon when my image reflected in that mirror while I was taking a shower, and I compare to actual time, I overall feel pride and I feel this is just one of the first goals I have got in my life. I still have much land to conquer but I hope to tell you in other entry. Will you join me again?

Contact Ronny Rondón | Let’s talk on X |


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