viernes, 9 de octubre de 2020

How to do a training correctly

Coming next, some advices you never must forget when you go to work out.


By Estany Tineo Alvarado


    Positive mind:
Think of doing the training correctly because you’ll see the results in the future, never lose patience because you’ll end to give upbefore experiencing any improvement in your physical shape.


Stretching & cardiovascular exercises: For avoiding muscular injuries and getting major physical resistance. An injury is a signal of a trainer’s, pupil’s, or both negligence. A bad blood flow can produce cardio problems. For every type of training, there is a type of stretching. Your trainer must set you up the most adequate.


Your profile: Another point you must talk to your trainer is your pre-eexistent medical conditions those can conditionate your activity. Depending on the training’s intensity, it may be necessary to check out with the cardiologist, especially if you do high-performance sports.


Respect the credits: The only person who diagnoses those pre-existent medical conditions is the medical doctor. A responsible trainer ever will recommend you those steps for having no problems that could affect you furtherly.


    There’s just one leader (and must be honest):
Follow faithfully the trainer’s instructions. If you want to train by your own or having quick results, it’s possible you are getting wrong  on the training style. The most intelligent solution is to talk to the trainer and he will say you what the right way is. If he promises you magic recipes at a short-term, distrust. A good trainer will propose you long-term results.


Warning overall: If he asks you to wear the belt, do it. Act the same way when he warns on your safety at the gym. Either, never experience anything new without supervision.


Customized & progressive routine: every training is personal and begins from less to more. The rookies start with low weight, the experts can lift more. If you are just beginning and you want to work out like somebody who is two months older, it’s probable you injury. Remember that your pre-existent health conditions may conditionate your rhythm, and that your routine only applies on you, not anybody else.


No pain, no gain: If you wake up feeling a pain in the part you have worked out, means you worked out your muscle well, but this pain is temporary. If the problem persists, contact your medical doctor.


    Focus into:
You must try to concentrate into the training. Talk the less, work out the most, if not, your muscle will get cold, you won’t see any progress. When you get to improve through the time, look for a training-mate who is the same time and training level than you, for supporting and demanding mutually.


Hydrate: Drink much wáter for your body to eliminate better the toxins during the training. The ideal is drinking at least half a liter of water by sips, when you feel your mouth dry. Drinking it in one swallow, or when your body is still warm, may break you down in shock.


Right outfit: Ever wear high tennis that don’t make you to skid, wear lycra-type clothes especially if you work out legs. If you feel uncomfortable wearing lycra, try your clothes to be elastic and fresh. Your shoulders and arms must be bare for you move easily.


Healthy feeding (no junk food): elude the hazardous fat, consume more fresh or boiled or steamed food. Eliminate the salt, spices, reduce the sugar. Reject the food treated with chemical preservants, the sodas and the refined products  like the flour inclusive. A nutritionist will guide you better on how to feed well.


© 2009 Asociación Civil Factor Tierra. All Rights Reserved. Adapted and translated by ChulucanasGym.


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