lunes, 18 de enero de 2021

Build self-esteem and attitude too

There are things that money can’t buy – those two keys are for all the rest.


Ending and beginning a year are especially critical in terms of mental health. That doesn’t discard that a chaotic situation, as crimes in the city, also influences negatively. A fact becoming more common is many male teenagers are entering more the hospitals and being diagnosed with depression, the most of them after attempting a suicide.


Psychologists coincide such frames don’t have one only cause but an addition of them. What is concerning them is why those teenagers consider to end their life as an option. They do have clear those cases in particular are consequence of an acute depression and that maybe the mother of all causes is the cracking of the own image, how they see and accept themselves in other words. From there, the self-destructive conducts come one after one like a cascade.


Self-esteem is the conception and acceptance that a person has about its own, with the good and the bad that it represents. Not reaching the narcissism (an exaggerated self love), it’s knowing to love like you are, understanding that if there is defaults, those can be improved and overcome, something like having an unshaped rock and going to sculpt until having an art piece.


The self-esteem determines the attitude. This is the response we give to a very real situation set up inside our life. So, the attitude may be favorable, that eases us to overcome such as a circumnstance, or unfavorable, when we let to give up by such as a circumnstance. Psychiatrist Julio Castro warns the attitude is not a consequence of the self-esteem, but he admits a bad self-esteem can break a bad attitude like when a trouble is presented to us, and we bring down instead of solve it.


Did it happen to the teenagers who attempted to end their life? Because of medical confidentiality which those cases must be treated, we don’t know it, but a values system based on the surface, on what you should be (the look), but not on what you are (the essence) could be related. In other words, the look instead of the well-developed self love seems to influence in the decision that all they took.


The situation can reverse. In the best of cases, it will depend on a personal effort – if not, you gotta look for professional assistance, but it is actually possible to improve it. To love the life, the real life, it must start from knowing to love, to accept, or even to forgive. It’s not easy but making a step once a time is one of the most wonderful adventures indeed and the true sense of our life in a planet demanding us attention. And thinking of S+A may be the key of triumph.


Do you have any opinion or you want to share your own story? Write us at or get us on our Twitter account, or leave us a comment in the box below.


Crhistian Mauricio is featured as a model on this entry.


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