miércoles, 23 de febrero de 2022

Don’t do later the routine you can do now

If in your daily schedule, you have to work out right now, and you suddenly think that should wait without any reason than making it to wait, or because there was suddenly another type of lighter activities to do not meaning a priority, you are possibly procrastinating – leaving for tomorrow what you must or can do today.


No one is procrastinating-free on his physical training. The question you must ask is why you are doing it. The classic answer you could have is “I feel lazy,” what means you are discouraged. This littleword submit us immediately to our mind.


The choice of signing up in a training plan, attending the gym or waiting for the trainer, and especially accomplish the day’s routine, is a decision before anything. Amid many chances, you choose the most convenient, adequate, right, valid. You choose the optimal one within other such as good, regular, or bad  ones, anyway.


That is the rational path. What happens when we decide not to follow it up and we do all the opposite to what we have initially considered as the best choice?  In many places and many trainers can try many answers, but if we go in depth about everything, we could get focused on three those use to make us a short circuit at the time of starting to work out.


  • The first one is the fear. It’s the sensation warning us about a real or imagined peril that can provocate two reactions: freeze us or going in reverse.
  • The second one is the guilt. It consists in feeling responsibility about that was done or wasn’t done, and that ended into a negative consequence. The classic reaction is we are constantly blaming about that was or wasn’t and that should be.
  • The last one, but not less important, is the shame. It’s basically about hiding us or make us little when we feel our point of view or many people’s seem to disapprove us in a fulminant or mocking way. Our reaction in this case is vanishing out of the map no matter the price.


Is there a solution?

Read again the concepts and the reactions of those three deep causes and you’ll notice the first two ones depend much on us as individuals. In the third one, what the rest believe or think about us contributes. Whatever, all can be part of something that uses to name backpack or these ballasts we carry on everywhere, the most of times like useless stuff because they don’t let we advance until assessing our goals.


So, following up the line, when you feel what you must or can do today begins to be postponed for any debatable reason or without a reason, push pause and analyze absolutely quietly  and in a very calm way if you are feeling fear about something or someone, if you’re feeling guilty about something or somebody, or if you are not able to hold on your own scrutiny or the others.


If you can do it mentally, you go good, but if that costs you much work, write it, read it, read it again, and ask yourself – can I solve it? If it depends on you, and it’s urgent, think of an action plan, or go working out and with a clearer mind, start solving it just later.


If you feel the solution depends on you but you are going to need some type of advice or orientation, look for somebody you rationally know to have a wide, balanced criterion  to light your way, or attend without scrubs to a mental health professional. Meditation or yoga also help, and much.


Finally, learn to organize your life in a realistic way, with times, tasks, and goals you know you’re going to reach into a determined deadline. It costs but remember your first training day – the better is felt when finished. And never, never leave for tomorrow what you must or can do now. Do we start?


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The photographs featured on this entry are part of ChulucanasGym Archives. 

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