miércoles, 25 de noviembre de 2020

Divine Sport


It encourages our own creation, improves it, almost gives us inmortality. Who said we need wings to feel like angels?


    A simple cell that is nothing simple. On the microscope, it’s a rounded and fragile structure that holds a complexity of actions and reactions called life. It came from other two parent cells, it has a combination of both, and its union was only possible because of fluids mostly formed by water.


While it grows,it’s into a liquid that is basically water, and even after the birth, it will depend on that. When it develops independently, between 70% and 80% of its constitution is water. But it’s not its environment.


The evolution and the genetics teach us that human beings come from the water, and the biology, that we are mostly that, but it’s impossible we can breathe that. Despite this, there are human beings who defy their adaptation degree and relate to that, until turning that another transportation mean without more traction than their body. It’s called swimming.


Unlike the rest of mammals –not including whales, dolphins, and similar ones—the human being doesn’t swim by instinct. Along the history on the Earth, it was an appreciated skill in many cultures and, especially, developed at these ones depending on oceans and rivers. In fact, aalmost ¾ parts of the planet is water.


    The source of youth

Swimming is not only competition and records. It provides the stamina of athletism, the bone and muscular mass of liftweighting, the efficiency of blood stream from the aerobics, but it gets more than that. “I’m 34 years old but a 20-year-old body,” the today’s therapist Christian Palacios confessed us 9 years ago… and he didn’t lie as much as he got involved in something such exigent as marathon. An he arrived to the finish line not first but never giving all up.


The injuries risk reduces into the water because there’s no friction anyway and the resistance it offers, works out the body better. That’s why it has outstanding effects in physiotherapy, especially when it’s work at different temperatures. The psychologist Juan Carlos Torres affirmed the swimming could offer a chance to treat depression and stress.


“The exercise releases hormons – swimming, much more,” he said. In fact, the physical activity uses to generate our own adrenalin, dopamine, serotonins. And even oxytocin. Those combined substances improve our inmunity and humor, something that it’s not possible to get with drugs or supplements. Some researches also suggest they slow down the aging of human body.


“The water also has a relaxing effect,” he continued. And although Mr Torres didn’t know to swim, if he had the chance to learn, he had tried the most or his whole body gets in direct contact to the liquid.


Swimming seems to resume the own life mystery that started with that cell floating among infinitely doble molecules of hydrogen plus one of oxygen. It’s the closer we have to fly, without wings, without air, into a mean is not ours but dominates us. Either Genesis couldn’t be so poetic!


    Man to the water

Without the help of real mermaids nor shark trainers, I entered a pool by surprise. A Sunday, within the heat, the family’s country visit was the perfect combination to turn without an explanation the most highlighted pupil of the swimming classes. I began so at 8 years old. Either I imagined that casual splash got me much close to the sport of chronometers.


In the beginning, it costed because I swallowed water and feared. However, little by little, the things became easier. I’m not a professional swimmer neither an Olympic champion, but with the two years of swimmer pupil, I can affirm this sport gives something else than imagined.


Swimming in that square full of water incites freedom. Challenging the fear, that catches in general, kills the pessimism. And when the applied technique doesn’t fit, it’s mandatory to be perfectionist. Obviously, this is not mentioned on the bulletins promoting schools, neither the professional trainers, but it’s there implicitally into the sport of speed.


From the silicon cap to the sun blocker, swimming is a total skill – quickness, delicacy, constance are the perfect combination to get you involved into these liters of clhorined water. In fact, everybody can do it.


Training hard is important. And that is well rewarded with a golden metal and an included ribbon. But swimming hides something you discover when you do it. It’s time to take longs, get up on the table, and hearing the whistle. We are into the water – that explains everything.


Produced by Luis Paucar, Nelson Peñaherrera, Luis Correa, Franco Alburqueque, and Estany Tineo. NOTICE: We don’t suggest to start any sport activity unless you have medical and professional supervision. © 2011, 2020 Asociación Civil factor Tierra. All Rights Reserved.


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